A cockfighting rooster appears to have taken deadly revenge on its trainer for forcing it back into the ring too soon. The bird is said to have attacked owner Singrai Soren and slit his throat with razor blades he had attached to its legs. Villagers in Mohanpur, West Bengal, were warned not to approach what police described as ‘an unknown rooster with black and red feathers’.
One of the dead man’s friends, known only as Dasai, said: ‘The rooster tried to get away from the ring several times, but Soren pushed it into the ring repeatedly.
Roosters are usually given a break of at least an hour before taking on another opponent, he explained. ‘Most masters are satisfied with the cash reward of £28 for every fight and a dead opponent to feast on,’ Dasai added.
One of the dead man’s friends, known only as Dasai, said: ‘The rooster tried to get away from the ring several times, but Soren pushed it into the ring repeatedly.
‘This upset it and it attacked Soren.’
‘This upset it and it attacked Soren.’
‘But Soren wanted the rooster to go to the ring within a few minutes of its first fight and that is when it got upset.’ Officers want to find the bird to strip it of the razor blades it killed with. But they believe their chances are slim. They think the rooster – which has won four fights – is being kept by a rival trainer keen to put it back in the ring.
Source: mailonline